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How To Schedule A Service Efficiently

How To Schedule A Service Efficiently

One of the keys to getting your court reporter or videographer booked on short notice is making sure to clarify every possible detail about your deposition during the initial booking. NNRC is proud to offer court reporters, remote depositions, legal videographers and trial support across our national and global network. Our team prides itself on its speed, efficiency and quality.

Recently we spoke to our court reporting and videography staff about scheduling a service on short notice. Here is what they recommend:

Get the Details Right

Avoid typos, double-check spellings of names, locations, phone numbers, emails and case names. These little details will help expedite your booking and make for less back and forth communication that can often take time away from preparation for your deposition or case.

List All Tech Requirements

Be sure to make clear the exact technology requirements your deposition or conference will need. This means thinking about everything from video and audio transcripts to the right size room and the proper location for your deposition. By making sure to clearly state your equipment needs at the time of the booking you ensure a smoother deposition and a better record of the proceedings. For example, if you need more than one reporter or more than one camera, it is best to speak with your court reporting firm at the time of booking.

Be Punctual

One of the issues court reporting firms sometimes have with law firms is difficulty in returning emails and phone calls when there is a special need or a question. Our team recommends returning all correspondences with clear answers in writing within an hour or sooner, particularly when there is a service scheduled for less than 72 hours away. This will help ensure your court reporting and legal videography team has everything you need for a successful deposition.


Schedule with Your Smartphone

Schedule with Your Smartphone

In 2022, booking a litigation support service has never been faster or easier. You can call or email to book a service, of course, but you can also take an easier route and book anywhere at any time with our online scheduling form. This form is mobile-friendly, easily accessible, and can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Learn more about the ease of scheduling with a smartphone by clicking this link.

New Partner Pages

New Partner Pages

As an international court reporting company, it goes without saying that you can find the fast, accurate, and reliable court reporting professionals you need anywhere in the United States. Our partners go through an intense vetting process to ensure they live up to our high standards of business. This means that no matter where you are, you can count on the service being precisely what you need it to be.

To help you learn a little more about the firms near you, we have begun a database of partners per state. These pages will help you decide what is closest to you before making the leap of scheduling a service. For some states, like California, there are four fantastic court reporting firms representing various areas. For smaller states, like Oklahoma, there is one great firm.

Whatever your litigation support needs are, these firms can deliver. For the past three decades, the NNRC has been here to give attorneys the court reporting, legal video, videoconference, or other legal support services they require. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

NNRC Announce Information on the Stenograph

NNRC Announce Information on the Stenograph

The National Network Reporting Company (NNRC) is pleased to announce our informational page on how the shorthand machine (or stenograph) works. Out of all the work court reporters do, how the magic little machine operates that allows them to type over 200 words a minute is by far the most mysterious.

On this page, readers can learn more about it in a quick, concise read. The page discusses how the average shorthand machine is divided in three sections– the initial keys, the final keys, and the second level– , and what exactly those three sections entail. In just a few minutes, readers can come away with a more precise understanding of what their court reporter does during legal proceedings.

Court reporters are key to discovery and depositions. They are the only way for attorneys to come away from a legal proceeding with a clean transcript in exactly the format they need. While not legally required, these transcripts are crucial to developing a solid case. Attorneys always come away from the service pleased with the results they’ve garnered.

If you are in need of a court reporter, but don’t know where to start, start with us. The NNRC is compiled of dozens of partners across the globe who make it their mission to satisfy clients with fast, accurate reporting. Each of these partners go through a strict vetting process to ensure their quality of service, so attorneys never have to worry when they book with the NNRC. To learn more about our firms, contact us today.

Setting the Standard of Columbus Court Reporting

Setting the Standard of Columbus Court Reporting

Attorneys in the Columbus, Ohio area know exactly which court reporting firm delivers on the services they need with the customer service they deserve. With over 30 years of serving these attorneys under the firm’s belt, Anderson Reporting is one of the longest-standing court reporting companies in the nation, as well as one the the NNRC’s founding partners. Anderson Reporting was one of the companies that set the standard for reporting across the nation.

When an attorney books Columbus court reporter through Anderson, they can always expect their scheduled professional to be accurate, fast, efficient, and respectful. They stick with their clients every step of the way to ensure they get the most out of their litigation support service.

To learn more about the firm, visit this page.

NNRC Announces Remote Deposition Database

NNRC Announces Remote Deposition Database

Credit: American Expat Finance

The NNRC is pleased to announce our remote deposition database. As we continue to find our own ways to navigate the global pandemic, legal professionals have grown to rely upon remote depositions to continue the course of law. They allow entire legal teams to meet without having to meet face-to-face– ensuring the utmost safety of all parties involved.

Our partners have adapted their services to offer remote depositions to all legal professionals who need it. To find a firm that offers remote depositions near you, all you have to do is go to the “Find a Remote Deposition Service” page on the site header and select the city/state combination closest to you. It’s that easy.

When you schedule a remote deposition service through the NNRC, you can be confident it will be executed with the best technology over a secure server. Learn more about what we can do for you by contacting us today.

NNRC Announce Bar Association Resource

NNRC Announce Bar Association Resource

Credit: Lawyer Monthly

The National Network Reporting Company (NNRC) is pleased to announce our latest for legal professionals across North America. On our page, “List of North American Bar Associations,” attorneys, paralegals, and all other legal professionals can find a comprehensive database of bar associations across North America. Whether practicing in New York, Vancouver, or Mexico City, legal professionals can find assistance on this page.

This resource is especially helpful for legal professionals who regularly travel for work. No matter what state or country in North America they travel to, they can find a bar association in their new area.

At the NNRC, we are proud to offer our clients a variety of legal resources. Learn more about them by contacting us today.

NNRC Announces Legal Video FAQ

NNRC Announces Legal Video FAQ

The National Network Reporting Company (NNRC) is pleased to announce our page of frequently asked questions about legal video. As the world of law changes, legal video has become more and more important. Some legal professionals, however, are still uncertain about what a legal video service may entail. By reading this page, attorneys can have some of the top questions about legal video answered, including…

  • Why videotape a deposition and how is it used?
  • Are deposition videographers certified professionals?
  • Can a video of a deposition be used in place of live testimony?
  • How should a witness prepare for a video deposition?
  • What is deposition synchronizing?

In just a few minutes, attorneys and other legal professionals can read about legal video and leave with a better understanding of the field. When booking a legal video service with the NNRC, you can expect the latest technology at your disposal. The video will be crystal clear, and the audio will be crisp, resulting in a great resource for you to use for retrieval.

For more information on legal video, or our services, contact us today.

NNRC Announces How to Prepare for Remote Depositions

NNRC Announces How to Prepare for Remote Depositions

Credit: CIO

The National Network Reporting Company (NNRC) is pleased to announce our new page on preparing for remote depositions. There are many similarities and differences that occur when planning a remote deposition, and it is important to fully understand them. Our page lays out the do’s, the don’ts, and the things you might not have thought of.

On this page, you can learn about:

  • Why it’s crucial for an attorney to prepare their witness even for a video deposition
  • Tips for before the deposition
  • Technology tips
  • …And more!

Read the page in full to get a better understanding of what it means to prepare for your remote deposition.

Law Firms Working from Home

Law Firms Working from Home

Credit: Computerworld

Working from home has become the new normal for every professional who has the ability to do so. While some might think that an office door closing means the business is closed, that is not the case in the slightest. Businesses that once had physical locations are now operating remotely from home offices or dining room tables– even law firms.

The course of law doesn’t come to a stop just because of a global crisis. In fact, the current situation may make some areas of practice may be even more important than previously. Attorneys across the world are doing what they can to keep in contact with their clients while still keeping everyone as safe and healthy as possible in the comfort of their homes.

Emails work for correspondence that doesn’t require an immediate response. Phone calls are fine for two people, but when that number grows to include an entire legal team, it can be difficult to discern who said what.

Credit: Digital Trends

This is exactly where the NNRC’s remote depositions and videoconferencing services come in handy. With our state-of-the-art technology, everyone can be seen and heard with the utmost clarity. Our service allows you to connect with the same, highly skilled court reporting professionals without leaving the safety your home.

Attorneys can meet with two or ten people on this easy to navigate interface and secure server. With this service, attorneys can hold meetings with partners just as easily as depositions with opposing counsel and witnesses. Our staff is on standby to ensure that things run as smoothly as possible.

To learn more about our remote depositions, contact us today.

For older news, visit our Archives.




Schedule a service with our 24/7 mobile form.



Schedule a service with a firm you know. 


Find a court reporting firm where you need one.



Learn about our court reporting resources and technologies across North America. 


Our remote depositions include everything you need for a success. 


Our leval videography resources include online streaming and the latest in camera technologies.


Let us organize your next videoconference anywhere in the world.


Our trial presentation team offers everything you need for a winning case. 


Schedule a meeting or deposition in one of our state of the art conference rooms.


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Announcing Our New Website!

NNRC is proud to announced the launch of our new website. The new site has been updated for content and graphics to reflect a more content-rich and updated style where users and legal professionals can request or schedule a service at any time of the day, any day of...

Member Profile: Hanna & Hanna in Houston, Texas

Hanna & Hanna Reporting is one of the oldest independently-owned and operated court reporting firms in Houston, Texas. With over 30 years of experience and specializing in arbitrations, hearings, complex patent litigation and construction cases, Hanna & Hanna...

How To Schedule A Service Efficiently

One of the keys to getting your court reporter or videographer booked on short notice is making sure to clarify every possible detail about your deposition during the initial booking. NNRC is proud to offer court reporters, remote depositions, legal videographers and...

Schedule with Your Smartphone

In 2022, booking a litigation support service has never been faster or easier. You can call or email to book a service, of course, but you can also take an easier route and book anywhere at any time with our online scheduling form. This form is mobile-friendly, easily...

Find Success With Video Depositions

Video depositions can be an invaluable resource for any attorney's case. By recording one's deposition, attorneys can review what was said to build a stronger case, as well as to reinforce their witness's testimony. Bits of the deposition can even be condensed into...

Learn More About Our Texas Partners

In Texas, everything is bigger-- and attorneys expect their court reporting professionals to fit that bill. They have to be faster, more accurate, and more efficient than their competitors. On top of that, they have to offer superior customer service, so attorneys can...

New Partner Pages

As an international court reporting company, it goes without saying that you can find the fast, accurate, and reliable court reporting professionals you need anywhere in the United States. Our partners go through an intense vetting process to ensure they live up to...

Learn More About Our Ohio Partners

With the National Network Reporting Company, you will find a vast number of skilled, dedicated, and accurate court reporting professionals-- including our partners in Ohio. If a case ever brings you to the great state of Ohio, you have two great options to choose...

Court Reporting in Cleveland

As one of the largest cities in the state of Ohio, attorneys who practice in Cleveland have a lot on their plate. They require a court reporter who can keep up with the hustle and bustle while still being available to provide the customer service clients need. What's...

Court Reporting in Miami

With such a diverse array of people working in Miami, it makes sense that the world of law would be equally as diverse. For attorneys in the area, they need a court reporter who is knowledgeable about a wide variety of areas of practice. They should use the latest...
Announcing Our New Website!

Announcing Our New Website!

NNRC is proud to announced the launch of our new website. The new site has been updated for content and graphics to reflect a more content-rich and updated style where users and legal professionals can request or schedule a service at any time of the day, any day of...

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Schedule with Your Smartphone

Schedule with Your Smartphone

In 2022, booking a litigation support service has never been faster or easier. You can call or email to book a service, of course, but you can also take an easier route and book anywhere at any time with our online scheduling form. This form is mobile-friendly, easily...

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Find Success With Video Depositions

Find Success With Video Depositions

Video depositions can be an invaluable resource for any attorney's case. By recording one's deposition, attorneys can review what was said to build a stronger case, as well as to reinforce their witness's testimony. Bits of the deposition can even be condensed into...

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New Partner Pages

New Partner Pages

As an international court reporting company, it goes without saying that you can find the fast, accurate, and reliable court reporting professionals you need anywhere in the United States. Our partners go through an intense vetting process to ensure they live up to...

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Learn More About Our Ohio Partners

Learn More About Our Ohio Partners

With the National Network Reporting Company, you will find a vast number of skilled, dedicated, and accurate court reporting professionals-- including our partners in Ohio. If a case ever brings you to the great state of Ohio, you have two great options to choose...

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Court Reporting in Miami

Court Reporting in Miami

With such a diverse array of people working in Miami, it makes sense that the world of law would be equally as diverse. For attorneys in the area, they need a court reporter who is knowledgeable about a wide variety of areas of practice. They should use the latest...

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NNRC consists of independent court reporters and reporting firms just like you! Contact us today if you would like to join the world's most comprehensive directory of court reporters.