Trial Presentation

Maximize the Impact of Your Case with Our Services!

Best Service for Our Clients

Trial Presentation

The information age has created more media-savvy jurors. They are highly receptive to immersive courtroom presentations that help them understand the specifics of your argument.

In the courtroom, when it matters most, there is little margin for error when it comes to trial presentation. Through the National Network Reporting Company (NNRC) and our member firms, lawyers can connect with experienced trial consultants who can help orchestrate your trial presentation in a way that connects with jurors and maximizes the impact of your work.


The Most Innovative Trial Presentation Tools

Our strategic partnership with inData® Corporation has positioned us to be the source for TrialDirector®, the most popular trial presentation software in the industry today.

Our teams of experienced trail consultants and technicians enable lawyers to concentrate on preparing their cases and gearing up for each new day in front of the jury and the judge. Courtroom multimedia presentations can help lawyers reach jurors in ways that they carry as they deliberate the outcome of your case.

In the courtroom, experienced consultants anticipate problems because they are intimately familiar with your cases. That means even when the presenter misses a beat, the trial technician can lead the presenter back to the structure of the presentation.


Litigation Support from NNRC

Litigation support from NNRC member firms is not just confined to the courtroom: we are there from case preparation, through trial work or litigation, and beyond. We are ready to help lawyers take advantage of their talents while we handle the technical aspects of delivering your case.

“InData was instrumental in providing course materials, assisting in us getting the Colorado Bar approval and expertly presenting the class.”

Michael Pace

Agren-Blando Court Reporting & Video Inc.



Schedule a service with our 24/7 mobile form.



Schedule a service with a firm you know. 


Find a court reporting firm where you need one.



Learn about our court reporting resources and technologies across North America. 


Our remote depositions include everything you need for a success. 


Our leval videography resources include online streaming and the latest in camera technologies.


Let us organize your next videoconference anywhere in the world.


Our trial presentation team offers everything you need for a winning case. 


Schedule a meeting or deposition in one of our state of the art conference rooms.


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Announcing Our New Website!

NNRC is proud to announced the launch of our new website. The new site has been updated for content and graphics to reflect a more content-rich and updated style where users and legal professionals can request or schedule a service at any time of the day, any day of...

Member Profile: Hanna & Hanna in Houston, Texas

Hanna & Hanna Reporting is one of the oldest independently-owned and operated court reporting firms in Houston, Texas. With over 30 years of experience and specializing in arbitrations, hearings, complex patent litigation and construction cases, Hanna & Hanna...

How To Schedule A Service Efficiently

One of the keys to getting your court reporter or videographer booked on short notice is making sure to clarify every possible detail about your deposition during the initial booking. NNRC is proud to offer court reporters, remote depositions, legal videographers and...

Schedule with Your Smartphone

In 2022, booking a litigation support service has never been faster or easier. You can call or email to book a service, of course, but you can also take an easier route and book anywhere at any time with our online scheduling form. This form is mobile-friendly, easily...

Find Success With Video Depositions

Video depositions can be an invaluable resource for any attorney's case. By recording one's deposition, attorneys can review what was said to build a stronger case, as well as to reinforce their witness's testimony. Bits of the deposition can even be condensed into...

Learn More About Our Texas Partners

In Texas, everything is bigger-- and attorneys expect their court reporting professionals to fit that bill. They have to be faster, more accurate, and more efficient than their competitors. On top of that, they have to offer superior customer service, so attorneys can...

New Partner Pages

As an international court reporting company, it goes without saying that you can find the fast, accurate, and reliable court reporting professionals you need anywhere in the United States. Our partners go through an intense vetting process to ensure they live up to...

Learn More About Our Ohio Partners

With the National Network Reporting Company, you will find a vast number of skilled, dedicated, and accurate court reporting professionals-- including our partners in Ohio. If a case ever brings you to the great state of Ohio, you have two great options to choose...

Court Reporting in Cleveland

As one of the largest cities in the state of Ohio, attorneys who practice in Cleveland have a lot on their plate. They require a court reporter who can keep up with the hustle and bustle while still being available to provide the customer service clients need. What's...

Court Reporting in Miami

With such a diverse array of people working in Miami, it makes sense that the world of law would be equally as diverse. For attorneys in the area, they need a court reporter who is knowledgeable about a wide variety of areas of practice. They should use the latest...
Announcing Our New Website!

Announcing Our New Website!

NNRC is proud to announced the launch of our new website. The new site has been updated for content and graphics to reflect a more content-rich and updated style where users and legal professionals can request or schedule a service at any time of the day, any day of...

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Schedule with Your Smartphone

Schedule with Your Smartphone

In 2022, booking a litigation support service has never been faster or easier. You can call or email to book a service, of course, but you can also take an easier route and book anywhere at any time with our online scheduling form. This form is mobile-friendly, easily...

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Find Success With Video Depositions

Find Success With Video Depositions

Video depositions can be an invaluable resource for any attorney's case. By recording one's deposition, attorneys can review what was said to build a stronger case, as well as to reinforce their witness's testimony. Bits of the deposition can even be condensed into...

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New Partner Pages

New Partner Pages

As an international court reporting company, it goes without saying that you can find the fast, accurate, and reliable court reporting professionals you need anywhere in the United States. Our partners go through an intense vetting process to ensure they live up to...

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Learn More About Our Ohio Partners

Learn More About Our Ohio Partners

With the National Network Reporting Company, you will find a vast number of skilled, dedicated, and accurate court reporting professionals-- including our partners in Ohio. If a case ever brings you to the great state of Ohio, you have two great options to choose...

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Court Reporting in Miami

Court Reporting in Miami

With such a diverse array of people working in Miami, it makes sense that the world of law would be equally as diverse. For attorneys in the area, they need a court reporter who is knowledgeable about a wide variety of areas of practice. They should use the latest...

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NNRC consists of independent court reporters and reporting firms just like you! Contact us today if you would like to join the world's most comprehensive directory of court reporters.