Labor Law Litigation Support From
Experienced Court Reporting Agencies


Labor law primarily handles the concerns, rights, and responsibilities of unionized employee. When employees come together to negotiate terms with their employer, they have a higher success rate. Employers don’t necessarily care about the wants of one employees, but if everyone agrees that better pay, hours, and increased workplace safety is a must, the company is more likely to listen. Employers are required to follow a specific set of rules when dealing with union members.

Attorneys who practice within the field of labor law are there to help ensure that employees are treated fairly. Members of unions must have the same rights to speech, assembly, and vote as leaders of the union. Lawyers help keep the balance between employers, employees, and unions members harmonious.

Major Laws

National Labor Relations Act

Fair Labor Standards Act

Terms to Know

Collective Bargaining


“Right to Work” Laws

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One of the keys to getting your court reporter or videographer booked on short notice is making sure to clarify every possible detail about your deposition during the initial booking. NNRC is proud to offer court reporters, remote depositions, legal videographers and...

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In 2022, booking a litigation support service has never been faster or easier. You can call or email to book a service, of course, but you can also take an easier route and book anywhere at any time with our online scheduling form. This form is mobile-friendly, easily...

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For a personal recommendation to court reporting agencies that work collectively to produce accurate and timely deposition transcripts, legal video recordings, video conferencing and other litigation support, depend on the National Network of Reporting Companies. Our select members, strategically located throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, uphold the highest ethical standards. NNRC partners know each other personally and work in concert to provide court reporting and video conferencing services for out-of-town cases as well as depositions spread out in multiple locations. You can be assured of quality results when the NNRC’s national and global court reporters provide legal services.