Juvenile Law Litigation Support From
Experienced Court Reporting Agencies

Juvenile law is the portion of law that relates to minors. This area of practice exists because it is believed minors have a higher potential for rehabilitation than adults, so smaller punishments are served rather than full penalties of the law. While many view juvenile law simply as juvenile court, there are many cases in which the law treats a juvenile differently than an adult. 

There are many key differences between how minors and adults are treated in legal proceedings. If a juvenile is convicted, they more likely than not will face time in a juvenile facility than jail. These facilities offer more counseling, community service opportunities, and other rehabilitative programs as opposed to punishment. Juvenile law keeps the criminal confidential, and are typically not public when the juvenile reaches adulthood.

Important Aspects of Juvenile Law

Federal and State Statutes

Title 42 U.S.C., Chapt. 72 – Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
CRS Annotated Constitution
Model Juvenile Court Act (adopted in Georgia, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania)
State Family Law Statutes

Legal Proceedings

No. 2: Matter of Hess v West Seneca Cent. School Dist.
No. 2: Simmons v Sacchetti
No. 129: Matter of Wooley v New York State Dept. of Correctional Servs.
No. 1: People v King

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