Environmental and Natural Resources Litigation Support

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Complete Environmental Law Litigation Support

Environmental Law, also known as Environmental and Natural Resources Law regards the collection of treaties, statutes, regulations, and laws put in place to address the effects that human life and civilization have on the environment. It is composed of two main principles: pollution management and remedies and the management of natural resources such as forests, minerals, waterways, and wildlife.

As one of the more recent types of laws to be introduced, the core of our current environmental laws and regulations started during the 1960’s, when the detrimental impact of human advancement upon the environment was beginning to be felt across the globe. Now, environmental efforts have become a key factor in international negotiations and economic debates.

Environmental laws come at both the Federal and State level and both agencies can take legal action in the form of civil fines or criminal proceedings depending on the severity of the transgression.

Ensure that your team has access to the best litigation support services available with independent court reporting firms like the ones featured in the NNRC. Our members have made quality litigation support with state of the art technology handled by an experience, helpful staff their number one priority in addition to excellent real-time reporting services. For any lawyers navigating the murky waters of Environmental and Natural Resources Law, expert litigation support can ensure a positive outcome and a winning case.

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Announcing Our New Website!

Announcing Our New Website!

NNRC is proud to announced the launch of our new website. The new site has been updated for content and graphics to reflect a more content-rich and updated style where users and legal professionals can request or schedule a service at any time of the day, any day of...

How To Schedule A Service Efficiently

How To Schedule A Service Efficiently

One of the keys to getting your court reporter or videographer booked on short notice is making sure to clarify every possible detail about your deposition during the initial booking. NNRC is proud to offer court reporters, remote depositions, legal videographers and...

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For a personal recommendation to court reporting agencies that work collectively to produce accurate and timely deposition transcripts, legal video recordings, video conferencing and other litigation support, depend on the National Network of Reporting Companies. Our select members, strategically located throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, uphold the highest ethical standards. NNRC partners know each other personally and work in concert to provide court reporting and video conferencing services for out-of-town cases as well as depositions spread out in multiple locations. You can be assured of quality results when the NNRC’s national and global court reporters provide legal services.