Corporate Law Litigation Support From
Experienced Court Reporting Agencies

Corporate law is the body of laws, regulations, and practices that govern the formation and operation of businesses and corporations. It puts forth what businesses can and cannot do on the legal end of conducting business– covering any and all of the rights and obligations of people involved with forming, owning, operating, and managing a corporation. No matter where someone is in the corporate chain, there are laws to help regulate their progression of business.

A corporation is a legal entity that is separate from the people who made it, and exists solely to conduct business. When a person owns part of a corporation, their liability in the scheme of legality is limited to their portion of ownership in the corporation. No matter what happens, they cannot lose more than what they have invested in their corporation.

Major Characteristics of Corporate Law

1. Legal personality: Corporation owners pool their resources into an entity, which can use the assets provided and even sell them. 

2. Limited liability: When a corporation gets sued, it’s only the corporation’s assets that are on the line. 

3. Transferrable shares: A corporation does not shut down when an owner decides they no longer want a share in the company. Owners can transfer shares so business can continue.

4. Delegated management: Corporations have a defined structure of directors and officers that make decisions.

5. Investor ownership: Owners have a say in decisions made, but only have a portion of an influence on company decision-making. They do, however, have a right to corporation profits.

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For a personal recommendation to court reporting agencies that work collectively to produce accurate and timely deposition transcripts, legal video recordings, video conferencing and other litigation support, depend on the National Network of Reporting Companies. Our select members, strategically located throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, uphold the highest ethical standards. NNRC partners know each other personally and work in concert to provide court reporting and video conferencing services for out-of-town cases as well as depositions spread out in multiple locations. You can be assured of quality results when the NNRC’s national and global court reporters provide legal services.