Cleveland, Ohio: Cady Reporting

Cleveland court reporters have evolved over the years. As the needs of the legal community have shifted, they have made an effort to accommodate the technological requirements of a demanding legal community. They have worked to bring new technology into the law practice, helping lawyers make better use of their limited time and immense talents. These court reporting firms provide lawyers with the connectivity-based tools that can help them handle information in diverse types of media, helping legal professionals meet the challenges of the 21st century legal field.

Cady Reporting is no different. For decades now, the timely, efficient, and accurate court reporters at Cady Reporting have been among the most highly requested court reporting professionals in not only Cleveland, but the nation. Firm president, Chuck Cady, sets a high standard of court reporting for his employees with his own work– he won the Ohio Speed Cup for speed and accuracy on three separate occasions, after all.

While speed and accuracy are certainly important when looking for a quality court reporting firm, that isn’t the only thing a potential client should consider. It would behoove clients to book a court reporting firm with top-tier customer service. That is what the professionals at Cady Reporting offer their clients. As a family owned and operated court reporting firm, it is Cady Reporting’s mission to make every client feel like part of that family. Clients are more than just faceless numbers that justify the ends to a mean. The staff know their clients by name, and see through to the end of a client’s case to ensure each and every one of their needs are satisfied. Their responsiveness and dedication to their job make working with them a breeze. Clients in Cleveland will never turn anywhere else.

Learn more about Cady Reporting– our Cleveland, Ohio court reporting firm– and their President, Chuck Cady, by visiting their website.


Our Services

  • Nationwide Scheduling
  • Court Reporting
  • Realtime Reporting
  • Legal Video
  • Videoconferecning
  • Internet Streaming

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1468 West 9th Street, Suite 440 Cleveland, Ohio 44113

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For a personal recommendation to court reporting agencies that work collectively to produce accurate and timely deposition transcripts, legal video recordings, video conferencing and other litigation support, depend on the National Network of Reporting Companies. Our select members, strategically located throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, uphold the highest ethical standards. NNRC partners know each other personally and work in concert to provide court reporting and video conferencing services for out-of-town cases as well as depositions spread out in multiple locations. You can be assured of quality results when the NNRC’s national and global court reporters provide legal services.